Sunday 3 June 2018

Public Inquiry – Appeal by Oakmere Homes re Land East of Long Meadow Lane, Natland

A notice advertising the Public Inquiry into the Appeal by Oakmere Homes against SLDC’s refusal of planning consent for 55 dwellings on land east of Long Meadow Lane has appeared on the telegraph pole outside No 41.
The Inquiry will be held over eight working days commencing at 10am Tuesday 19 June and ending on Friday 29 June 2018.
The venue will be the Assembly Room, Kendal Town Hall, except on Thursday 21 June when it will be the King’s Room, Shakespeare Centre, Kendal (off Highgate).
The Inspector is Paul Jackson BARCH RIBA.  Members of the public may attend and, at the Inspector’s discretion, express their views.
Documents are being published almost daily on SLDC’s website – click here, then view Plans and Documents. Of particular relevance is the recent Appellant’s Proof of Evidence – 44 pages written by consultant Kate Bellwood.  The Planning Inspectorate’s own website is rubbish.
As an overworked SLDC planning officer said to me two days ago – “They’re going to throw the book at us”.
Natland Parish Council is not formally involved in the Inquiry, but councillors will be attending the Inquiry when appropriate and available.

David Peters
Chair of Natland Parish Council
3 June 2018