Friday 26 July 2024

Steam train going north.

 34067 Tangmere will be northbound Oxenholme 11:36 on Saturday 27th of July. 

Pat Williams.

Sunday 21 July 2024

The Reverend Angela is Moving Away

 It was announced in church this morning that Angela is to move to a new post in Carlisle (most probably in the Autumn).  She is to be Priest in Charge of St Cuthbert with St Mary (the church near M&S and the Cathedral) and Priest in Charge of St Aidan with Christ Church (the church not far from the football ground).  

Everyone at St. Mark’s will be very sad to see her and all her family go, but like her we trust in God that she is doing the right thing, just as she has always worked so hard to do the right thing by us.

Thursday 18 July 2024

Natland Parish Council Agenda for Meeting on the 29th July

Click here for the Agenda for the next Parish Council meeting. The new Local Plan, parking and finance are among the things which will be discussed. Public participation is invited for the start of the meeting, which is at 7pm.

Thursday 4 July 2024

Women’s Institute Meeting

Last Wednesday Amanda Gott introduced us to the Basics of Beekeeping. It turns out that most honey bees are female worker bees, that the males don’t do any work though they do fertilise the Queen, and that they are thrown out of the hive at the end of summer.
We all learned a lot and really enjoyed ourselves.
We meet again on September 18th when we will be thinking about autumn and in particular the Tastes of Autumn. Friends are welcome, as are people who would like to try us out. Just turn up at 7.30 at the Village Hall, and you will be made welcome.

Parish News for July and August.

There’s a Spud in a Bucket event in St. Mark’s Church and Vestry this Saturday the 6th July, 2-4pm, and it doesn’t matter if you didn’t get round to planting one, because there are stalls, coffee, tea and cake, a raffle, a bottle bola and challenges and other things to amuse the children as well. Plus it will be a nice place to come out of the cold and wet.

In the middle of the month there’s the Fellas Concert, Bring and Share Picnic and a Quiz at Castlesteads, and Cameo on the 21st. August is a bit quieter, though there are walks on the 6th and 24th and a Vestry Coffee Morning on the 22nd. Church Services will continue as usual over the holiday period, and they are always followed by coffee/tea and biscuits.


Tuesday 2 July 2024

Natural Kendal Newsletter

Not strictly Natland, but since we’re downstream of all things Kendal, we could be affected by what is happening. Newsletter 1.

Thursday 27 June 2024

News from our Parish Council from Monday 24th June.

Minutes from the Meeting


Not much to to report from the June parish council meeting.  There were only three councillors present, no Westmorland & Furness (W&F) cllrs and quite a short agenda.  The update on the 20mph speed limit didn't reveal much new.  Consultation on the issue is now delayed due to the General Election and when it does get off the ground the format will be decided by W&F.  The parish council is already thinking about how to ensure that all households not only get the information but can have their say.

            Having seen what an improvement to the village green and church environs removal of the bus shelter has made, there are now no plans to resite the notice boards in that area.  The council are still looking at other options to make the notice boards more noticeable!  Renovation of the pavement has been asked for and there was also some discussion and a suggestion about how to stop parking on it afterward.

            The annual audit for 2023/24 of the financial position has been completed satisfactorily and the associated annual paper work completed and signed.  No current cash or budget statements were presented to the meeting, 'the books being with the auditor still'. 

            More interesting snippets of information came up during the Correspondence section.  The work which was due to start in June and would close Oxenholme Lane has now been delayed until July and after St Mark's school has closed.  It took one of the cllrs to intervene to get this decision but you really would have hoped that Open Reach themselves could have come up with this obviously better solution.  There was also some talk that at some point fibre would have to be laid to get across the village green.  As neither digging up the green nor poles across the green are acceptable lets hope a bit of lateral thinking can be applied to that challenge.

            No reply has been received from W&F about the meaning and legality of the white lines at the bottom of Oxenholme Lane so an enterprising cllr went to the police for a decision.  There too there seemed to be a bit of confusion about the purpose of those specific lines was but in general white lines delineate the edge of the road (in this case the wall seems to do that job quite effectively) and any other intention would not be enforceable.

            The next meeting is on Monday 29th July at 7pm.

Saturday 22 June 2024

Thursday 20 June 2024

Road Works

Cadent Gas like Oxenholme Lane so much that they are coming back again to dig it up (in bits) from Natland Road along the Green and up to the school, so the road will be closed from 24th June to 27th June, or thereabouts.

After intervention by a parish councillor, this has now been postponed until after school breaks up.