Tuesday 5 April 2011

District Council asks Natlanders to comment on its development plans.

There was a steady turnout of concerned residents to South Lakeland District Council's display at the Village Hall on the 4th April, and three planning officers were there from 2 until 7pm to field questions.
  • Would the new developments affect the running of Natland's underground streams? Would water surface in the middle of these new developments?
  • Would Natland's sewers cope with more houses in the village? 
  • Many people commented on the traffic already passing through the village especially along Oxenholme Lane which is already a short cut from Brettargh Holt to Asda and the hospital. More houses would mean more traffic. 
  • Others asked whether the owners of the development sites were willing to sell for building.
  • The Home Field raised a lot of questions for Natlanders. Not just its history but the loss of a view to St Mark's Home, the loss of the view over the field to the walled coppice on the hillock and then around to Scout Scar over the valley. Wasn't it really ribbon development along the road to Sedgwick? 
  • There was much relief in Longmeadow Lane about the fields up to the railway becoming an official Green Gap.  
  • There wasn't huge interest in places outside the parish like the houses proposed  east of Longmeadow between the railway and  Burton Road. 
  • More interest was shown in the business park behind the bus shelter on Burton Road. Some felt that it was a pity to lose the view over the fields to Hayfell and Benson Knott, and did the buiding have to go up the hillside to Brow Head? Would it stay a quality site or would it end up like all the industrial estates in town? 
  • Did anyone  notice the big industrial/employment site south of Scroggs Wood? 
  • Several folk could see a need for affordable housing but wondered if even affordable housing could be afforded these days. Would there be any housing to rent or any small units suitable for the many older single folk in the village would would love to downsize and stay in Natland?
Responses to these questions are eagerly awaited from Brenda Gray, our local district and county councillor, and from the District Council Planners.

The last date for the public to respon to the consultation is the 15th April. A response form is available at www.southlakeland.gov.uk/landallocations.