Sunday 17 April 2011

Nepal School Funds Raised in Natland

The Rotary Club of Kendal held a fundraising event on Friday evening in the village hall.  Lhakpa Sherpa and his wife Pat Steel-Sherpa gave a presentation to over fifty Rotarians and their guests on the history and future plans of his village school at Khiraule in the Everest Region of Nepal. The nearest road and Airport is 4-days trek away.  The school founded in 1998 as a primary school is now planning to expand to include a lower Secondary Unit and Health Centre.  Local residents Dave and Elizabeth Ball shared their experience of Trekking to Khiraule last month to as part of the ‘School Bag’ initiative. Kendal Rotary Club International Officer Philip Hoyle announced over £500 had been raised on the night.  If you are interested in adding your support contacts Lhakpa or Pat Sherpa on