Wednesday 11 May 2011

Councillor Brenda Gray responds to Natlanders concerns about development

 The responses to this consultation by the residents and interested bodies will be evaluated over the next six months or so and then the final document for the actual allocation of sites will be consulted upon to ensure the correct procedures have been yet no land has been allocated other than that which was already identified under the previous Local Plan. The call for sites to be offered and the subsequent consultation on these are steps towards the allocation of land that is suitable for development, for both housing and employment, looking forward to 2025. All land that is eventually identified will be subject to the usual planning applicaton process and will require infrastructure to be (put) in place. The Localism Bill that is emerging will give more say to local people about what is built. This does not give the power of veto. Should there be no allocation of land and planning in advance of applications then there is likely to be a free-for-all for developers.
 SLDC would be negligent if it did not follow the route to planned development within South Lakeland.
 Hope this is helpful.
 Regards Brenda Gray.