Thursday 5 May 2011


Simon Catnach has written to Natland News Blog

'You may be aware of my earlier open letter on the web site in which I highlighted the serious concerns that many people in the village had over the parish councils attitude towards the ongoing planning consultations regarding potential plans to build 60 plus new residences in the village. I indicated in that letter that we would seek to construct an alternative response to that of the parish council and that response has now been completed and submitted along with a covering letter'. 

Simon has given a copy of the report to Natland News Blog - Follow this Link - SOUTH LAKELAND LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK: THE RESPONSE OF THE PEOPLE OF NATLAND

The following is Simon's letter to SLDC on behalf of the residents of Charnley Fold and Hawes Lane

'Dear Sir, Madam

With reference to the planning options in South Lakes, we are writing to you in relation to the consultation period as it impacts upon Natland village.

We were very pleased with your response to our requests to hold a drop in meeting at the village hall. The fact that so many people attended undoubtedly reflects the strength of feeling in the village. You will be aware however, of how disappointed the majority of Natland residents felt with the position the parish council have taken in this matter in which early drafts of the parish response wholly failed to reflect public feeling. This is reflected in the number of residents who have written to you on the subject, possibly 200 households out of about 350. You should also be aware of our  intention to prepare a separate  response.

That response is enclosed. We believe it represents a detailed account of the position in Natland. The parishioners here feel very strongly that the village has suffered from a disproportionately high level of residential development in recent years; that this has impacted badly on what infrastructure there is and that the result has been a spoiling of the village atmosphere. Further development with continue to impact adversely on the quality of life we value very dearly.

The response has been written by residents of Charnley Fold and
Hawes Lane and you will see that there is an emphasis on objections to site R679M. Given more time we would have ideally liked to have considered in more detail the issues relating to the other sites, however the unfortunate position taken by the parish council only became apparent at a relatively late stage. Residents of Natland have been invited to contribute matters relating to any of the sites in the village and you will find some of their comments included in the report.

We believe there are serious environmental, transport, infrastructure and wildlife issues appertaining to site  R679M, some of which have legal implications which will need to be considered.  We understand that this options process is going to take a significant period and we look forward to being involved. We regard our response as a living document and will look to develop points included as and when appropriate.

We look forward to hearing from you

Yours truly,'

On 10th April Natland Parish Council posted a response to SLDC - follow this link - Parish Council Reponse