Thursday 23 June 2011

Women's Institute - report of last meeting

Vice- President, Kirsten Cannon welcomed 27 members to the June meeting of Natland and Oxenholme W.I.  She read a short letter from our Link-Institute delegate to the A.G.M. In Liverpool, and then a supplement account submitted by Marion Thornton, who had been a Steward at the event, who described a very busy and interesting meeting, which had raised a lot of debate and concern over the 'Mega Farms' resolution, resulting in no vote being taken.  The speaker for the N.F.U.urged that  W.I. Members work with them on this issue, based on facts, not myths and misconceptions.

Several members signed up for a variety of forthcoming events. Pat Tetlow was congratulated for her photograph of the 'Canal at Crooklands' published in the County Federation 2012 Calendar.

Guest speaker Malcolm Pilling had his audience enthralled by his confessions, from a strict and lengthy apprenticeship as a Plumber, through his years in the trade, the people he met (and invariably helped) along the way, and situations he found himself in, told with his wonderful sense of humor.

The competition for a D.I.Y. Tip was won by Joan Ratcliffe, who thought it better to call in a  'Handyman'. The evening ended with 'an unusual view of objects' Picture Quiz.

Next  Meeting is July 20th  Speaker Marilyn Hale  'Encaustic Art'. Visitors always welcome to join us.                                                                                                Margaret Lancaster (Secretary)