Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Women's Institute - Report of November Meeting

  • President Marion Thornton welcomed 30 members and a new member, Stella Howes, to the Annual meeting  of Natland and Oxenholme W.I. 
  • Joan Airey reported events from the recent Federation Council meeting, and a delegate  was sought  to attend the National A.G.M. in London 2012. 
  • Lynne Pritchard was the successful recipient of our bi-ennial bursary towards the cost of a course of her choice at Denman College. 
  • The Competition Cup was presented to Joyce Ormrod, runner up was Dorothy Goddard. 
  • The Minutes Secretary and the Treasurer both submitted reports of a busy year, and after the President's address, all were thanked by Dorrie Galbraith. 
  • Eleven members were nominated for committee, and after a ballot Marion was re-elected  as President.
A Jacob Join supper and a 'fun' Quiz concluded the evening
Next meeting, 'Candlelight Evening'  on 14th December.
The W.I. Christmas Coffee Morning will be held in the Village Hall, Natland, on Saturday, 3rd December 10.00 -12.00. Crafts and Cake stall. Raffle. Coffee  and Mince Pie £1