Wednesday 4 January 2012

The Future of Natland Allotments Society

A Special General Meeting of the Natland Allotment Society will be held in Natland Village Hall on Monday 23rd January 2012 @ 7.30pm to consider the dissolution of the society.
Despite considerable efforts by the committee over the last couple of years we have been unable to find any land to lease or purchase in or around the village, and so are holding this meeting to consider winding-up the society.
This is not what we had hoped for. When we surveyed the village a few years ago we were amazed at the number of people who came forward to say they would be interested in an allotment, so there certainly appears to be significant interest if only we could find some land.
If any individuals believe they can make further progress and are prepared to take over the reins of the Society, the present committee would be delighted.
Please try to attend. We look forward to seeing you on the 23rd.
Best wishes, Keith Jackson  (Sec)