Tuesday 10 January 2012

Helm Access Issues

Photo By Elspeth
Parish Council Chairman David Peters reported to Natland News that he walked over the northern (Station Inn end) Helm cattle grid and noticed one of the bars (circular tube about 75mm dia.) was missing.  The resultant gap was widening as the impact of wheels drove the adjacent bars further apart.  He considered motorists hitting this obstacle would be chasing the 'highways hotline' so took no action.  David has informed us that both the cattle grids are private, installed by the Helm Commoners circa 1980 because too many motorists were leaving the gates on the public road open.  On Friday John Bath of County Highways phoned David to say they were closing off the northern cattle grid and wished to contact the landowner and/or commoners about it.  David referred him to John Dodgson of Cracalt Farm (as far as he is aware John still chairs the commoners) and Mrs Angela Hornyold-Strickland of Sizergh Castle.  Although the cattle grid is not part of the public highway, the Highway Authority recognises it has a 'duty of care' to members of the public who innocently use it as such.

On Sunday morning whilst dog walking I noticed the grid was still closed but the main gate was left open.  Presumably there is no livestock at risk at this time of year, however Sadie my Greyhound found the new arrangement easier.  Without phone or camera to hand Elspeth kindly took the photo later in the day.

Suggestions that it was the work of metal thieves seem to be unfounded and is probably due to road traffic wear and tear.

Please check Natland News for further updates
