Tuesday 17 January 2012

Natland Art Exhibition

Natland Art Exhibition

Natland and Oxenholme Village Hall

Saturday March 10th and Sunday March 11th, 2012

An exhibition to show the work of LOCAL ARTISTS and at the same time to make some money for the Village Hall Funds.  Arrangements are as follows:

·         We have someone willing to sleep in the hall overnight, but exhibits are not covered by the Village Hall insurance.
·         There will be a charge of £2 per artist for up to 4 pictures (payable on the day) towards the cost of the picture cord and advertising

If you are entering pictures into the main Exhibition you may also put the same number of mounted pictures into the ‘browser box’, clearly marked with the price i.e. if you are entering 3 main pictures you may also put 3 in the box.  We would suggest these entries are covered in cellophane to protect them

·         The Hall will be open from 7.30am and we would be grateful to receive your exhibits as early as possible.  The exhibition is open to the public on Saturday from 10am to 5pm and on Sunday from 11.30 am to 4.30pm

·         In the event of there being too many entries, the items to be hung will be chosen on the basis of the order in which the entry forms are received

·         Refreshments will be on sale in the small hall

·         There will also be a raffle in aid of Hall funds

·         If you would like to enter photographs of your main exhibits for the webvote to appear on the Natland website (see http://natlandnews.blogspot.com/) in the week before the Exhibition please email your photographs to Lynden Carter at lcarter3@btinternet.com and remember to include your picture titles.  Ideally they should be in “jpeg” format with a minimum of 520 pixels for the smaller side but don’t worry too much about the technicalities - if in doubt, send a large picture!  In order to reduce the effect of reflections, it is better, where possible, to photograph paintings before framing, though I realise that this may not always be possible.  Lynden would prefer to receive them by March 3rd.  Any questions on this please email or phone Lynden on 01539 720014.  Lynden will then forward your photographs to the website. Web visitors will be invited to email in their votes and the winner will be announced at the Exhibition and then on the website.

If you need any help with photographing your exhibits Keith and Jude Hodsoll have kindly offered their assistance.  Please contact them on 015395 61042.  

We will be producing labels for each main exhibit and so would ask that you fill in an entry form for each piece of work.  Please make sure that you indicate whether the item is for sale (even if it is not for sale, please include a valuation for your own insurance purposes).  We would ask for a donation to the Hall funds of 15% of the sale price of any item sold.  We also ask that no item be removed until the Exhibition is over.  Letters and, if relevant, cheques will be sent by post on Monday, March 12th.  . Closing date for entries Sunday, March 4th

 If you have any queries, or know anyone else who would like to exhibit, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Completed entry forms should be returned to Art Exhibition Co-ordinator  - Rhian Peters, 10 Wandales Lane, Natland. LA9 7QY

Tel: 015395 60671    rhiandave.peters@btinternet.com

 Follow the link for ENTRY FORMS