Freedom of Information Act. The Parish Council is obliged to adopt a Publication Scheme under this Act, which was done in December 2008.
Precept 2012-13
The Parish Precept (the amount the Parish Council requests from South Lakeland District Council each year) will remain the same as last year, at £7,300
The expected budget is as follows:
Councillor’s Expenses claimed 2011-12:
D Peters £78.41
This is the Schedule of Information that is available from Natland Parish Council.
Requests for copies (10p sheet for the supply of hard copies) should be directed to the Clerk, Kevin Price.
Agendas, minutes and reports published by the Parish Council can also be obtained (but not reports that are still in draft form).
The Parish Precept (the amount the Parish Council requests from South Lakeland District Council each year) will remain the same as last year, at £7,300
The expected budget is as follows:
Item | Precept 2012-13 |
| |
Clerk – Salary and PAYE | 2950 |
Insurance | 700 |
Subscriptions | 308 |
Grasscutting | 1100 |
Audit | 170 |
Donations | 600 |
Purchases | 100 |
Contingencies | 1000 |
Admin | 700 |
Street lighting | 682 |
Use of home office | 156 |
| |
| |
| |
D Peters £78.41