Thursday 5 January 2012

Natland Parish Council Vacancy

Parishioners who follow the Parish Council’s activities by reading its minutes may be aware of a vacancy following Councillor John Inglesfield’s resignation in order to devote more time to looking after his mother.
Normally such a ‘casual vacancy’ must be advertised in case electors wish to demand it be filled by means of a poll, and if no poll is claimed the Council must fill the vacancy by co-opting someone.

On this occasion, as the vacancy occurred within six months of the next normal election (Thursday 3 May 2012), the law states that a poll cannot be claimed although the Council may fill the vacancy by co-option if it wishes.  There are still four meetings planned before the end of this Council’s four-year term so the Council wishes to fill the vacancy if a suitable candidate can be found.

But Natland does not have the good fortune of people queuing up to become councillors.  Over recent years there have been a number of casual vacancies, some of which have taken several months to fill by co-option.  The likelihood of a contested election in May 2012, with more valid nominations than the seven available seats, does not appear great.

Anyone interested in taking on such a civic duty can find out more from the Parish Council’s page on this website, from the website of the Cumbria Association of Local Councils (CALC) at, or by contacting the Clerk or any councillor.

The timetable for nominations for the May 2012 elections will be published in advance, when known.

David Peters
Chair of Natland Parish Council
4 January 2012