Monday 2 January 2012

Weather Statistics for December 2011

                                                                                 2011             2010
Temperature at 8am                                                      4.2C             -2.3C
Minimum Temperature                                                   2.6C              N/A
Maximum Temperature                                                  6.5C              N/A
                                                                              mm      in        mm       in
Rainfall                                                                  194       7.8       70        2.3

 Our one frosty December day.
A complete contrast to last December. Much milder with only one morning of minus temperature: last year nearly every day was at minus!

It rained every day in December, apart from three days, and the total was the highest since 2007. Despite being mild, the sun has been noticeably absent.

Total rainfall for the year was 64 inches, well above our average of about 54 ins.
John Dobson.