Thursday 2 February 2012

The Sinking of the HMS Affray.

Many people in Natland will have heard June Tower's story and will know something of her recollections of her engagement and marriage to Naval Officer John Treleaven. After only a year of marriage John was lost when the submarine HMS Affray sank in a training exercise in 1951 with the loss of all hands. She put the experience behind her as best she could. She subsequently married Julian Tower, had four children and eventually moved to Natland. 
However the memory of that earlier experience stayed with her and her attempts to get to the bottom of what really happened resulted recently in an adjournment debate in the House of Commons between Tim Farron and Minister of Defence Nick Harvey. A record of the proceedings can be read by clicking on this link: sinking of HMS Affray.
June intends to go to Alderney in April to see the unveiling of the plaque which will commemorate all the seamen that went down on the Affray. It has been made at the instigation of the Essex Submariners Association and is being funded by voluntary contributions.