Publicity for the Natland Parish Council elections in May was posted on the blogsite at the end of February, but I am not aware so far of any expressions of interest in becoming a councillor and deadlines are approaching.
The Clerk, Kevin Price, now has a supply of candidates' packs, including the Nominations Paper (proposer and seconder required) and Consent to Nomination Form, which must be returned to SLDC by noon on Wednesday 4 April 2012.
There are seven seats on the Council. Of the six present councillors two have confirmed they will not be standing again. So there now seems to be a real danger that there will be insufficient candidates, leaving the Council with the difficult task of finding co-optees or even struggling to reach a quorum (of three) for its meetings. An inquorate Council would be powerless to act. If the Community of Natland values local democracy through an active Parich Council, then candidates must come forward.
David Peters
Chair of Natland Parish Council