Friday, 4 May 2012

News from St. Mark's Primary School

Mrs Whittaker and Year 5 have been working on plans for developing the top corner of the field as an outside classroom. They have researched ideas by visiting other schools. The models of their ideas are on display in the entrance hall. Year 5 would value your comments. Photos of the models are on the school website .
The first job will be to lay 12 square metres of special meadow turf. This contains wild flower seeds that will hopefully give us a wild flower meadow section later in the summer. A working party is planned for the afternoon of Friday 11th May. If any parent is available to help cut and lay turf we would be very grateful. Please let us know in the school office if you are able to help.

SPRING FAIR – Saturday 19th  MAY – 11.00 a.m.  - 1.00  p.m.
The Friends of St Mark’s look forward to welcoming you all to the Jubilee themed Spring Fair where the Kendal Majorettes will once again be entertaining us.