Thursday, 24 May 2012

Summer Crime

Information sent on behalf of Cumbria Constabulary;

Now that the nice weather is upon us new opportunities are created for the opportunistic criminal. By taking a few simple steps we can stamp out summer crime in our communities.

Ensure when you are out in your garden that you keep all doors which are not in direct line of sight secure, especially your front door if you are in your back garden.

Open windows are easy pickings if you are away from your home ensure they are secure even in warm weather, leaving your windows insecure may also invalidate your household insurance.

At this time of the year we also find our selves in and out of garages and sheds in a bid to keep the grass down and our gardens tidy, remember to secure your sheds and garages when finished or if they out of sight and easily accessible.

As always be aware of bogus callers, it makes no difference if they engage you in your garden rather then your door step. Remember to ensure your home is secure front and back and ask for ID. If you are unhappy ask them to leave and inform the Police.