Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Public Meeting to discuss the Natland Parish Plan Review

Public Meeting to discuss the Natland Parish Plan Review
in the Village Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 10th September 2012

The 17 May 2012 Annual Natland Parish Meeting agreed the following resolution:

“This Parish Meeting notes that the Natland Parish Plan 2004 was initiated at its annual assembly in 2002 and urges the Parish Council to review and update the Parish Plan for the new decade”.

The Council agreed in principle to this request on 25 June and on 30 July agreed that a public meeting of those interested would be held in the Village Hall at 7.30pm on Monday 10 September 2012.

Parish Plans are local, action-based plans which address a wide range of problems and opportunities facing communities.  They can include social, economic and environmental issues and give everyone in the community the chance to be involved.

In broad terms, the stages involved in developing a parish plan (also called ‘community-led plan’) are:

·        establish a steering group

·        develop a project plan

·        consult the community (questionnaire?  exhibition/drop-in event?)

·        prioritise and plan actions

·        draft the Plan (share with community, local authorities, other agencies)

·        finalise and launch the Plan

·        implement the Plan

·        monitor and review regularly

The appropriate officers of SLDC, CCC and ACT would be notified as they may wish to become involved and/or offer support.

Anyone interested is urged to come to the meeting.  Attending won’t commit you.  It’s as much to gauge the level of enthusiasm as to find active participants.

If you are interested in helping but can’t attend the meeting, please let the Parish Council know so you can be added to the list of potential volunteers. 

The composition and terms of reference of the Steering Group could be confirmed at the Council’s 26 September 2012 meeting.

David Peters
