Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Natland Parish Plan

You may or may not know that Natland has a Parish Plan. The latest one was put together back in 2004 after a lot of consultation with local people about what they wanted for Natland then (and you can download a copy from the Parish Council section of this blog, under the heading Parish Plan). Plans can include all sorts of issues from allotments to potholes, from planning to play areas.

It's high time the plan was updated. Since 2004 new people have moved into the village and the Localism Bill has become law - theoretically giving local people more influence over what happens in their communities. It's really important that we take this opportunity to talk about what we all want for Natland and how we'd like to help it happen. And if we put it all into an up-to-date Plan then parish, district and county councils now have an obligation to take our decisions into account.

If you'd like to help us write a new plan for Natland, or just find out more about the process, please come along next Monday night to the Village Hall.
There's no need to volunteer for anything. We just want to know who's interested. (If you would like to come to future meetings but can't make this one, just email me at lois.sparling@gmail.com.)

Cllr Lois Sparling