Monday, 8 October 2012

Metal, Power Tool and Oil Thefts

Please be aware that metal theft is still occurring in this area.  Please keep items of metal and scrap metal out of sight and if possible locked away.  If you see anyone going around looking for such items please report them with as much description as possible to Cumbria Police on 101.

Power tools are also being stolen from both insecure and secure garages and out buildings.  Again please keep these items out of sight and locked away.

It is also coming to that time of year when heating a diesel oil thefts may increase.  Below are some steps you may wish to take to try and avoid becoming a victim of crime.

Location of the tank - Out of sight of the main road and in view of the house.  Whilst hiding it behind an outbuilding is common, this can give thieves the advantage.

Securing your oil tank - Secure with a wall or fence.  A lockable access point can also improve security.

Control switches - that control the flow of oil should be turned off and the electricity supply isolated when the tank is not in use.

Padlocks - Use a good quality lock.  Closed shackle padlocks are the best as due to their design they have very little of the metal hoop exposed and bolt croppers cannot get a good grip.

Oil level gauges - Remote electronic oil gauges that set off an audible alarm if the oil level suddenly drops below a quarter full are available.  Check oil levels regularly to monitor usage and if any has gone missing.

Security Lights - Low energy 'dusk til dawn' lights positioned close to the tank should provide sufficient light to illuminate any suspicious activity.

CCTV - If considered why not talk to your local crime prevention officer on 101.

Securing Diesel in vehicles - Ensure you vehicle is locked when unattended and consider anti-siphon devices.

Be vigilant and report any suspicious activity including registration numbers of suspicious vehicles to the Police on 101 or 999 if a crime is in progress.

Message Sent by Jessica Bullock (Police, PCSO, Milnthorpe (S))