Cumbria’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Richard Rhodes, is keen to have
your views on policing priorities and any other community safety concerns you
have. He will be at the following locations on the dates shown below:
Monday 28
10am-12 Westmorland Shopping Centre, Kendal
Friday 8 February 10am-12 Alston Town Hall
Friday 8 February 2
– 4pm Devonshire Arcade, Penrith
Monday 11 February 2 – 4pm Civic Centre, Carlisle
Friday 15 February 10am
- 12 The Carnegie Theatre, Workington
Friday 15 February 1.30
– 3.30 The Beacon, Whitehaven
Wednesday 20th Feb 10am-12 The Forum, Barrow
is your chance to meet the new commissioner and express your views. Also a reminder that you can also express your views through an online survey at: