Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Parish Council Minutes

To view the minutes of the meeting of Natland Parish Council held on 25th February 2013 follow the link to MINUTES

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Women's Institute Report

Vice-President Kirsten Cannon welcomed members to the February meeting of Natland and Oxenholme W.I. and encouraged them to fill in a questionnaire with their ideas for forming social activity sub-groups for film or theatre visits, or crafts. The walking and Poetry groups were already enjoyed.

Guest speaker Jim Bispham entertained with his presentation of his four month trek along the  Pacific Crest Trail from the Mexican border through the U.S.A. To the Canadian border recounting his adventures en-route.

Jean Clement won the competition for a Seashore Find, Dorothy Horn  second place.

Next meeting is on 20th March when the speaker will be Margaret George telling us about  Life in Belarus.

Visitors always welcome. 7.30 in the Village Hall.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Police alert - Oil Thefts

Cumbria police are alerting people to a theft on either 15th or 16th February 2013 of 500 litres of heating oil to the value of £450. Police are asking people to be vigilant and to make sure their oil tanks are kept secure, if they wish to speak to the crime prevention officer to ring 101. 

Diana Wilcock (Police , PCSO, Ulverston and Lakes NPT (S))

Thursday, 21 February 2013

The Helm Revisited

An interesting and thought provoking exchange of emails with Friends of the Lake District:

Dear Sirs

I was a member of your organisation until 3 yrs ago when I temporarily moved to Scotland. I was considering re joining now I have returned to Oxenholme but have been so disappointed with the way you are using your land at the back of our lovely Helm.
In 2009 I spent an idyllic summer photographing the many insects that were living on and using the  tarn which is on your land.
I am attaching a few of the photos I took of the many damselflies and dragonflies that inhabited it.As you may know they release their eggs into the mud and reeds in water.
There was a coot nesting on the tarn and several swallows used it as a food source. It was a thriving centre for wildlife -full of noise and activity.
Whilst living in Scotland I have returned to Oxenholme regularly and  always made a point of walking over the Helm and looked forward to revisiting the Tarn and all its inhabitants--unfortunately I was shocked to discover that the ponies and cattle you have allowed to graze on your land are destroying it !!
The Tarn has been trampled over and has very little water in it -just a muddy mess and I am not sure if any dragonfly eggs or reeds could survive such abuse-I certainly have not seen any of the beautiful creatures since 2009.
I also remember the abundance of wild flowers which were growing there especially the harebells and foxgloves---I dont recall seeing any of these since 2009 either !
Their destruction has not been limited to the Tarn---I used to marvel at two hawthorns which grew opposite each other on either side of one of the paths above the tarn--walking through them was akin to stepping through a mystical portal---one of these is now sadly uprooted with black horsehair hanging off its branches as evidence.
What used to be a really beautiful and uplifting walk has now turned into an upsetting one- I am an animal lover but find it hard to relax when I know I might come across unpredictable horses or cattle especially when my dog is runnung free .And I also dread seeing any further damage.
Would it not be possible to restrict the horses and cattle to the lower part of your land thus enabling the tarn to recover and for us dogwalkers to amble in peace ???
I look forward to your response.

Halina (Lizzii) Nicholas

Dear Halina

Many thanks for your email and lovely photos and apologies for the delay in replying. I am sorry that you are unhappy with the Helm, Friends of the Lake District bought it to enable local people to enjoy it and it is never nice to get emails from local people who do not like how it looks.

I do agree with you that the pond looks different and I do agree that the livestock are having an impact on it. However, the levels are also being affected by the fact that in summer 2012, during a very heavy rain storm, part of the outflow to the pond was washed away. The pond is not natural, it was dug by the previous owners in the 1950’s and so has to have a dam to keep the water ponded back.

Friends of the Lake District was successful in joining a government funded conservation scheme called Higher Level Stewardship in 2011. This means that if we do certain things for conservation we get some payment towards these things. This includes tree planting, looking after the dry stone walls and trying to increase the wild flowers there. The scheme is run by Natural England and one of the conditions was that we do not graze sheep, but move to rare breed ponies and also cows. So this is why we changed the grazing, as well as wanting to support a local rare breed. The livestock have to have access to water and so we can’t fence the livestock out.

As I say I’m sorry that you’re not happy with the pond and I am continuing to keep an eye on it.

Friends of the Lake District works very hard on the Helm, allowing people access on what was previously private land. We are happy that dog walkers come and enjoy the Helm and ask in return that dogs are kept under control, as part of the Countryside Code.

Many thanks for your interest in the Helm, regards Judith.

Judith Moore
Policy Officer

Dear Judith

Thankyou for your reply to my e-mail. 

In response can I say that I am very happy with the Helm---I have lived here for 20 yrs and use it daily for dog walking , jogging , photography etc and am very grateful to be able to do so. What I am not happy about is your management of the back of it---I trust you haven't bought the entirety?

I noticed yesterday that the horses were again paddling in the tarn, nibbling the vegetation in the centre -the wild dogrose-and making a muddy mess of it. Surely the several species of dragonflies that inhabited the tarn three years ago should be part of your conservation plan ?--and I cant see how you are going to encourage the wild flowers to grow if they will be eaten and trampled over ?! 

If the sorry state of the pond is partly due to the loss of a dam then can it not be rebuilt because is the tarn not an integral part of your land ??

I see also that one of your kissing gates is being nibbled by the horses -you will soon have to replace that.

I look forward to your response.

Halina Nicholas

Dear Halina

Many thanks for your positive comments about how you enjoy the Helm. As I said in my earlier email I am keeping an eye on the pond as I do the rest of the Helm. I have been in contact with someone over  the dam and I will have to see what comes of that.

Many thanks again, Judith
Dear Halina,
Thank you for your e-mail sharing the communication you have had with the Friends of the Lake District regarding the Helm and their environmental stewardship scheme. I have had a discussion with them and arranged to visit their land in a few months time.
Best Regards,
Nigel J. Pilling

I want to commend the Friends for all that they have done to open up the eastern flank of helm. Yes, there are some changes to features there which may have been enjoyed by some but on balance the changes have been to the great benefit of us all. Would that the western flanks of Helm were only half as well managed; this area is becoming a degraded car-park and joy riders's paradise with litter all too frequent. Allied to the smashed cattle grids and verges, Helm is becoming a bit of an eyesore. Can nothing be done?
Martin Jayne

I too have been concerned about the decline in bees, butterflies, moths and dragonflies on the eastern side of the Helm. Since the horses have come on the Helm they seem to have redcued the flowers such as harebells which used to grow in great swathes across the hillside and they seem to have devastated around the tarn eating the reeds and the dogrose in the centre of the tarn. I am aware that horses are used for grazing for conservation but as far as I understand this is only at certain times of year and the land can be left during summer months to allow the grasses and flowers to grow. I hope that the Friends of the Lake District will consider the wildlife more closely in future grazing patterns on the fells.
Alice Fleming 

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Free Heartstart Training - Kendal Fire Station

This is a message from Cumbria community messaging Information sent on behalf of Fire & Rescue Service. Message sent by Teresa Furness (Fire & Rescue Service, Administrator, Cumbria)

Would you know what to do in a life-threatening emergency? Learning Emergency Life Support (ELS) skills can help you keep someone alive until professional help arrives.

To book onto a FREE Heartstart course, please call Paula Fearnley on telephone number (01539) 713663 or e-mail
Dates available as follows (Sundays):
 24 February, 17 March, 24 March, 21 April, 28 April, 19 May, 26 May, 16 June, 23 June, 21 July, 28 July, 18 August, 25 August, 15 September, 22 September.

All courses are being held from 2 – 4pm in the Kendal Fire Station Community Room, Busher Walk, Kendal, LA9 4RH.

If these dates are not suitable, extra sessions during the week can be arranged for groups where required.

Church Jumble Sale Result

After estimated expenses the total made at the Jumble Sale was £471.76. Many thanks to everyone who gave, everyone who helped and everyone who came and bought. Although there may have been less given in terms of quantity this year, the quality of the goods given was appreciated. The amount raised was nearly the same as last year and will be used for the upkeep of St. Mark's Church.

Friday, 15 February 2013

Natland Parish Council Agenda

Please follow the link for the agenda for the meeting of Natland Parish Council to be held on Monday 25th February 2013 AGENDA

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

St Marks School Parking

Not specifically relating to White lines, but in response to the oft raised subject of the potential for Yellow lines near St Mark’s school.

Parking outside school is a vexed subject which is regularly on the agenda at Governor’s meetings. Over the years a variety of “solutions” have been suggested by residents, including parking restrictions, speed limits, one way traffic flow down Oxenholme Lane and up Helm Lane. In that time we have discussed these suggestions with the Police and the Local authorities. From the feedback that we have had, it is extremely unlikely that any form of Yellow line parking restriction would be considered in a village like Natland, additionally the Police would be very unlikely to devote any resources to enforcement. Of course those who did obey any restrictions would only park as near as possible to school and merely move the problem elsewhere in the village.

Suggestions as to the creation of a Village Car park have also been made periodically. The difficulty here is identifying a suitable piece of available land and of course you still have to get people to use it.

We are all aware of the real problem, which is the attitude of some individuals who will not park with consideration as they are “only going to be there for 10 minutes”. As a resident of Oxenholme Lane I know very well the nuisance occasioned by poor parking. The Governors write to the parents at least once a term asking them to park with courtesy and consideration for residents. We encourage the use of the bus service as much as possible and certainly many children now use it. We extended the school car park in order to remove on average an extra 8 staff cars from parking on the road.

St Mark’s School is successful and very popular, something which I think most villagers would think is a good thing. The downside of popularity of course is that we get a traffic surge twice a day. We are proud to have a successful and thriving school in the village and we have many strong links within the community which we are developing all the time. We would be delighted to work with the Community to improve things further.

Mike Duff
Chair of Governors, St Mark’s School.

I am one of those most affected by the car parking outside St Marks School. I live immediately opposite the school. I agree with Mike Duff that having a vibrant primary school in the village is a real plus and congestion twice a day is an inevitable consequence. I can and do live with that; it is of short duration and most parents are sensible. This sort of congestion happens at most schools. 

What causes problems is inconsiderate parking (ie double parking, obstruction of driveways, parking for longer than is necessary and parking on narrow parts of the road) and that is a matter which is best addressed through regular contact between the school and parents and a bit of policing by the school.

As regards the white lines around the green, they extend further then they need to and remove some perfectly good parking space, thereby making matters worse.

Yvonne Rowan Robinson 

Exploding Chargers

Trading Standards Services in the Northwest have recently been receiving complaints regarding exploding phone, ipod and Kindle chargers. Reported incidents involve the pins and base of the unit remaining seated in the wall socket and the top of the unit becoming a projectile, leaving wires exposed. This highlights the risks that people take when they buy cheaper, unbranded and possibly counterfeit products of this type online from traders they do not know.

Advice for Online shoppers
  • know who you are dealing with check the trader's details on their website, including their geographic and email addresses
  • don't assume 'UK' addresses mean the seller is based in the UK
  • follow the manufacturers' guidelines in connection with add-on accessories
  • always be wary of low cost bargains
If you have experienced any similar problems with chargers please let us know by emailing  
For general advice on product safety or to report other problems contact Trading Standards via Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline on 08454 04 05 06

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Steam trains coming through the next four Saturdays

Alderman Draper
Union of South Africa
Saturday the 16th, 23rd of February and Saturday 2nd, 9th March will have either 45305 Alderman Draper or 60009 Union of South Africa, passing through Oxenholme northbound at 11.41am.   

  Pat Williams.

Natland Parish Council Minutes

To view the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 28th January 2013 please follow link to MINUTES

Saturday, 9 February 2013

N@plan 2014 Survey Results published

Over 100 individuals and four year groups at the school took part in the parish plan steering group (N@plan 2014) mini-survey in January by filling out forms in the church, village hall, shops or online. The results have now been published on posters in the village and on the Parish Plan page on this website. There will also be a display at the Village Quiz tonight - with a suggestion box so you can go on telling us what you think while we start work on the full questionnaire which will go to all houses in the spring. Thanks to everyone who has taken part so far.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Natland Man Admits HSBC Blackmail

BBC Cumbria News Report

A 71-year-old Cumbrian man who tried to blackmail his local bank out of £150,000 was caught when police filled a bag with fake cash.

Carlisle Crown Court heard retired businessman Peter Gould threatened female staff at HSBC Milnthorpe with rape if he was not given the money. He spent a year planning the crime after losing £70,000 to fraudsters. Gould, of Natland, near Kendal admitted blackmail and was given a two-year prison term, suspended for two years.

The court was told Gould delivered a note to the HSBC bank in Milnthorpe last June, in which he said if he was not given the money he would arrange for its female staff and members of their families to be raped. He arranged to pick up the money from a car parked near Milnthorpe cricket club. But the court heard the bag left there contained only banknote-sized pieces of paper and Gould was arrested when he went to collect it.

When police searched his house they found a copy of the ransom letter, details of where the bank staff lived and evidence he had been researching on the internet to find out how to commit the crime. Judge Barbara Forrester told him he would have gone straight to prison but for his age and ill health.

Speaking after the hearing, Det Supt Paul Duhig said: "We rarely encounter offences of blackmail and this case was especially unique due to the offender's age and the sophistication of his plot. "Gould is an intelligent man who was an ex-businessman and had no criminal record. "The threats he made were particularly frightening for the bank staff, making specific references to their home addresses and some family details. "Now this case has come to a close I hope that his victims can put this frightening ordeal behind them."

Monday, 4 February 2013

Village Hall Activities

The Quiz and Hot Pot Supper this Saturday is eagerly anticipated by contestants, with 20 tables having been booked.

The Art Show organisation is in hand with a steady flow of entrants. Use the tab at the top of this blog to see them all and vote for your favourite.

It has been a quiet month this month. Teaspoons have been ordered to replace the ones that mysteriously disappeared and the porch light has been repaired but it is feared that it has gone again. Soon the trestle tables will be coloured coded to make sure legs will correspond with the appropriate tops, and the new seersucker tablecloths will be hemmed.

Thanks were expressed by the treasurer to the Guides for a donation of £50.

United Utilities were seen looking for a water leak for two days last week. Diggers have been used on the Village Green to locate the errant pipe, but to no avail. It is hoped that they have now located the stopcock to the Village Hall which the committee think is on the corner to the Village Hall in the road.

The winners of the 200 Club draw are: 
1st - no.84, K.Oliver; 
2nd - no.17, L.Lewis; 
3rd - no.78, M.Burns.

St. Mark's Church Shrove Tuesday Pancake Party

Age UK event

Come along to Young at Heart- a social group for older residents on Monday 11th February at Natland Village Hall from 1.45pm – 3.45pm.

Make new friends and join in with a variety of activities from dominoes and curling to crafts, quizzes and scrabble.  Cost £2.00 including refreshments. This month try a seated exercise class!

Look forward to seeing you there!

Contact Ruth Taylor for more information. Tel: 01539 728180
                                                                 Registered Charity Number: 1141415

January's weather statistics

                                                                  2013                          2012
Temperature at 8 am                                  2.3c                            3.8c
Minimum Temperature (Average)               1.2c                            1.8c
Maximum Temperature (Average)              3. 9c                           6.1c
                                                              mm       in                     mm       in
Rainfall                                                70.5      2.8                     149       6

It was very cold in the middle of the month but dry. Four inches of snow fell on the 25th but we missed the worst of the wintry weather earlier.

John Dobson.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Union of South Africa Steaming Towards Oxenholme

Union of South Africa steaming towards Oxenholme:

Photo - John Lannaghan