After a Hub Coordinators meeting on Wednesday 8 May, our Hub Coordinator, Cath Davenport, has sent this optimistic note, although we are now definitely waiting until 21 June for detailed information about what BT plan to do next in the rural areas...
"Cumbria County Council are expecting the final decision on the Major Projects application to the EU within a week or so. It should be all systems go from then on.
One item that came from the partnership board was that once the 7% who will not be able to get superfast broadband are known commercial providers will be approached to see whether they have any plans that would improve the speeds in those areas.
At the HC meeting, we actually met the project leaders from BT. Jim Jackson of BT Openreach is in overall charge and gave an impressive presentation. He assured us that he is committed to making the project a success and that new technologies are coming on stream all the time. What might be insurmountable at the moment will be solved - one way or another. Radio may be a solution for areas a long way from cabinets/exchanges. He lives in South Westmorland and was frustrated by the slow speeds himself! Julia Watts from BT Group was also there and she is making contact with the individual Hub Co-ordinators to find out the situation on the ground in each area.
BT and CCC are expecting to Launch the project on 21 June. On that day the maps of each area will go public and we should know the places that are likely to be in the 7%, although Jim Jackson said that you could expect that to change and no-one really knows until the work starts."
"Cumbria County Council are expecting the final decision on the Major Projects application to the EU within a week or so. It should be all systems go from then on.
One item that came from the partnership board was that once the 7% who will not be able to get superfast broadband are known commercial providers will be approached to see whether they have any plans that would improve the speeds in those areas.
At the HC meeting, we actually met the project leaders from BT. Jim Jackson of BT Openreach is in overall charge and gave an impressive presentation. He assured us that he is committed to making the project a success and that new technologies are coming on stream all the time. What might be insurmountable at the moment will be solved - one way or another. Radio may be a solution for areas a long way from cabinets/exchanges. He lives in South Westmorland and was frustrated by the slow speeds himself! Julia Watts from BT Group was also there and she is making contact with the individual Hub Co-ordinators to find out the situation on the ground in each area.
BT and CCC are expecting to Launch the project on 21 June. On that day the maps of each area will go public and we should know the places that are likely to be in the 7%, although Jim Jackson said that you could expect that to change and no-one really knows until the work starts."