Last Friday's audience discovered the musical tastes of our MP to be a bit of a surprise. He revealed a taste for rock music and chose songs from The Beatles, The Clash, Cocteau Twins, Prefab Sprout, Electronic, The Avalanches, The White Stripes and local group Wild Beasts, while the slightly bemused audience tapped their feet to unaccustomed rhythms.
He spoke about his early attempts to stand for parliament - the first time aged 22 - and his early political career as county and district councillor in his home county of Lancashire before winning his seat here in Westmorland. He related his political career to his Christian faith and entertained all with interesting anecdotes. The interviewer Martin Jayne presented him, a keen Blackburn Rivers fan, with a football signed by the members of the premiership champion team of 1994 as a momento of the occasion.