Thursday, 20 June 2013

Save the Date: Parish Plan Drop-In on Thursday 5 September

Tuesday night’s Parish Plan Steering Group was a long a busy one, with discussions about further consultation within and outside the village and the next steps in drafting the action plan. Among other things we are now planning a Drop-In event at the very end of the summer holidays so that you can read about the actions that we are planning to include in the Parish Plan, suggest new ones and sign up to get involved in putting it all into practice. If you would like to come along, please put the date in your diary now: from 3pm to 7pm, Thursday 5 September, at St Mark’s Church. There will be displays about the plan and members of the Parish Plan Steering Group will be there throughout to explain our ideas and listen to yours. Look out for a leaflet through your door with more details nearer the time.