Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Natland and Oxenholme Village Hall Management Committee

This month the committee met with Lois Sparling in her role as representative of the Parish Plan 2014 Steering Group and we had to consider our role in the community and other issues. Lois was surprised by the size of the committee - around 15 members were present - and we revelled in our success as an organisation for a while. The Village Hall is constantly in use, charges to organisations cover all running costs, and the responses to the Parish Plan indicated appreciation of the facility. Then we were confronted by the likelihood of retirement of some members - Ray Richardson, our chairman, has fulfilled the role for 25 years - and a domesday scenario of disbanding and closure was contemplated. So, do contact Ray if you feel you would like to help in any capacity.

After this we spent time discussing the purchase of acoustic panels in the large hall, and other refurbishment jobs which will take place when the Village Hall is not in use over the summer holidays.

The winners of the 200 club were first prize no.23: David Peters; second prize no. 27: Ann Parnham; third prize no.86: Maureen Holmes.