Monday, 22 July 2013

Women's Institute Report

          President Marion Thornton welcomed members and two visitors to the July meeting of Natland and Oxenholme W.I. and introduced  the guest speaker, her daughter Anna-Marie Jesson, a nurse specialist in Diabetes.  She gave an interesting, informative presentation of signs to look out for, and how a change in lifestyle: more exercise (a little off our waistlines) and a careful diet, would lessen the risk of developing the condition.

          The competition for a sugar-free treat was won by Joan Ratcliffe, second Jean Dobson.

          A member reported that she had enjoyed taking part in the recent Archery course in Kendal.

          The president and members expressed their best wishes to Pat Tetlow who is emigrating to New Zealand. She has been a stalwart committed friend and member of our institute, and will be very much missed.

          The summer outing is arranged for Wednesday 21st August. For details contact Joan Ratcliffe on  015395 61944.
          Next meeting in the Village Hall Natland at 7.30pm on 18th September. Speaker Liz Matthews will talk about Indian Textiles and Embroideries.

          Visitors always welcome.