Monday, 19 August 2013

Keep your dog in order – or face a fine

As you will have read, South Lakeland District Council’s new Dog Control Orders come into force today, Monday 19 August. There are four separate orders of which dog owners should be aware. They will be enforced by SLDC’s Neighbourhood Enforcement Officers and Police Community Support Officers who are authorised to issue Fixed Penalty Notices (with a penalty of £75) for non-compliance.

A person in charge of a dog must:
  • clean up after the dog on all public land
  • keep their dog on a lead on highways and footways/pavements in built-up areas, cemeteries, designated parks and gardens
  • put their dog on a lead if asked to do so by a council officer or policeman to prevent nuisance to people or wildlife
  • keep their dog out of the Dog Control Areas.
There are no Dog Control Areas in Natland parish. The closest are: Bolefoot play area, a small area off Helmside Gardens in Oxenholme, the playground at The Oaks and some other green spaces on Murley Moss, Rinkfield and round the leisure centre. 

To report contraventions of the new DCOs contact SLDC on 0845 050 4434 or online at The enforcement team will investigate the complaint and let you know what happens.