Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Draft Action Plan available here soon!

First of all ‘thank you’ to everyone who took time out of their busy day last month to visit our drop-in and display about our draft proposals for the Parish Plan 2014 Action Plan. We were very pleased with the numbers who dropped in, made supportive comments and suggestions and signed up for the proposed volunteer groups on various themes. The display has also been up in the village school in the past month, with all pupils and parents invited to take part in this stage of the consultation process.

The Parish Plan Steering Group will next meet early in November, once the deadline for feedback from key partners on the first draft action plan has passed, to work on it again and then we plan to publish it here. At this point it will still be a draft plan but we hope there will not be too much more work to do. Please look out for our next posting on this website to download your copy.

You can read more about the work we are, and have been, doing here.