Wednesday 20 November 2013

Bogus Callers

There has been a renewed warning about bogus house-to-house callers operating in Cumbria.

It comes after householders in the Little Corby area between Carlisle and Brampton were approached on their doorsteps over the last six weeks.

The bogus callers work to a prepared script attempting to sell household goods and claiming to be on some form of ‘probation rehabilitation scheme’ on their release from prison.

It has led Cumbria Probation Trust (CPT) to join Cumbria Constabulary in reissuing a warning about the practice. Sarah Ward, Director of Operations at CPT stated emphatically that the Trust operates no such scheme:

“We want to make it completely clear to everyone that the Probation Service does not have people knocking on doors or cold-calling to sell anything to the public,” she said. "We would urge anyone receiving an approach of this kind to politely refuse to purchase anything and to contact the Police immediately."

Sergeant Tony Kirkbride of Cumbria Constabulary backed the message: "Cold callers will use a variety of stories to try and get members of the public to buy items from them and Cumbria Police always encourage residents to use caution when someone cold calls at their door.

“We would ask people not to feel pressured into agreeing to buy any items and if they have any concerns, to shut the door and ring the police.”

Police offer the following advice to help residents keep themselves, their homes and their property secure:

- Keep all doors locked even when you are at home.
- Before you answer the door check through a window or the door viewer to see who it is.
- If you have a door chain or bar, use it.
- Always ask for and check identity cards. If you are unsure phone the company from a number in a phone book or internet page.  Do not use a number on the identity card as this may be false.

The key message is -- IF IN DOUBT KEEP THEM OUT.

If you think a bogus caller has called on you, or you have any information about bogus callers in the area please report it to Cumbria Police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111