Wednesday 4 December 2013

Any good photos of Natland?

At our last meeting on Monday 3 December, the Parish Plan Steering Group agreed the final text of the report on the Parish Plan, a version of which will be delivered to all households in the parish in February next year, and started to plan the Plan launch, which will take place over tea and cake in the village hall, also in February, on a date soon to be confirmed. Everyone welcome! 

We are very excited that pupils from St Mark’s School will be providing drawings for the cover of the report, once they’ve got Christmas out of the way, and also hope to have lots of lovely photographs from readers of this website to brighten up the inside pages. Please send your (digital) photographs of Natland – places and people – to  by Monday 13 January if you would like them to be considered for inclusion. (Photos must be at least 200mm across the top at 240dpi resolution for us to use them. Email and ask if you’re not sure how to do this.)