Wednesday 1 January 2014

More Natland photos wanted, please!

It’s hardly been the weather for photography lately but the Parish Plan Steering Group is still looking for photographs for the final report of the Parish Plan, to be published at the end of this month. We have had a few ‘crackers’ in but we have room for plenty more. They don’t have to be recent – in fact some older ones would be nice – or taken in great weather – or outdoors (some of the interior of the school, the church, the village hall would be fine, too). We just want a nice spread to represent the parish and parish life.

Please send your (digital) photographs of Natland – places and people – to  by Monday 13 January if you would like them to be considered for inclusion. (Photos must be at least 200mm across the top at 240dpi resolution for us to use them. Email and ask if you’re not sure how to do this or send what you have and we’ll let you know if we need something else.)

Thank you and Happy 2014.