Saturday 15 February 2014

Microwavable Wheat Bags

Microwavable Wheat Bags

When using items such as these that absorb and store heat in this way is a potential fire risk if not used properly. For this reason it is vital to follow manufacturers’ instructions to avoid possible injury.
If a bag is kept insulated after heating - for example, under bedclothes - it may ignite.

· Buy wheat bags with clear heating instructions from the manufacturer, and follow them.
· Buy bags which include a British safety standard and manufacturers’ contact details if you have a problem.
· Only use as a heat pack for direct application to the body.
· Ensure your microwave turntable is working properly.
· Watch for signs of overuse, such as a smell of burning or charring.
· Leave bags to cool in a safe area and on a non-combustible surface like a kitchen sink.

· Use a wheat bag as a bed-warmer.
· Overheat the bag.
· Reheat the bag until it has completely cooled – which may take up to two hours.
· Leave the microwave unattended when heating.
· Store away until it has cooled.

· Use the bag if you see evidence of problems.

Valerie Ayre (Cumbria Fire & Rescue, Administrator, Cumbria)