Thursday 6 February 2014

Would you like to help represent our parish?

The parish councillors were thrilled so see so many people turn up at the Village Hall for the launch of the Parish Plan on 1 February, despite the awful weather and the rugby on the television! And also to receive from the Parish Plan Steering Group the lists of people who have already volunteered to take part in various working groups to help push forward some of the actions in the new Plan.

But if you have a general interest in the future of our parish and would like to help to steer the whole of Parish Plan through over the next few years, why not consider standing as a parish councillor?

We are expecting to have parish council elections on Thursday 22 May this year. We currently have one vacancy, due to the resignation in January of Andrew Gill after his recent illness, and it would be great to have some new faces on board. There’s lots of training available if you’re interested (on topics like finance and planning) and no special expertise required – just a desire to look after Natland and represent our interests to other organisations. 

To find out more about what the role entails, just ask one of the existing parish councillors (David Peters, Rhian Peters, Di Outhwaite, Guy Weller, Sarah Roberts or Lois Sparling) or email our parish clerk, Kevin Price, at