Don't forget this
weekend's BIG EVENT!
The Annual Exhibition of
work by our talented, local artists
SATURDAY 10am - 5pm,
SUNDAY 11.30am - 4.30pm
As usual, Village
Hall Committee members have been working hard behind the scenes to put on this
popular community event. Our gang of stalwarts will be working hard to prepare
the hall, help artists hang their exhibits, provide raffle prizes and bake
delicious cakes. But we could do with a few more willing bodies!
We need the following
- Taking admission money at the door, Saturday, 10am - 11am, 11 - am - 12noon
- Selling raffle tickets at the door, Saturday, 2pm - 3pm, 3pm- 4pm
- Helping with parking, Saturday & Sunday, 2pm - 4pm (We have permission from St Mark's School to use their parking area).
Do come along and see
the exhibits, have a cup of tea and some home-made cake!
If you can help please
call Rhian, (Secretary VHMC), 015395 60671.
We would be most