Wednesday 26 March 2014

Did you volunteer to look after Natland?

Parish councillors have been getting in touch over the past few weeks – by email or by phone – with all the people who put their names down to volunteer during the Parish Plan consultation process, or at the launch. Thank you, again, to everybody who did.

If you haven’t heard from us yet, but think that you did put your name down on a list or wish that you had, it may be that we have your number or email address written down wrong. Please do get in touch with us by emailing Lois so that we can make sure that we include you when we start setting up the working groups (on traffic, broadband, community energy and so on) and a system for coordinating parish maintenance work that is done by volunteers.

We hope to start doing this after the council elections on 22 May. At the moment we are putting the final touches to the new Parish Directory which will be delivered to every household at the end of April.