Monday 31 March 2014

Message from Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service

TICK, TOCK, TEST! Before it’s too late.
Test your smoke alarm this clock change weekend.

We are again encouraging people to test their smoke alarms when they change their clocks this coming clock change weekend. ‘TICK TOCK TEST’, will help remind us all of the need to test our smoke alarms at this time of year.

Smoke alarms save lives, but only if they work. With 211 people dying in fires in the home last year, and over 70% not being alerted to the fire by a smoke alarm, it is essential that people test their smoke alarms regularly.

A working smoke alarm can buy you and your family the valuable time you need to get out, stay out and call 999. You’re four times more likely to survive a fire if you have a working smoke alarm.

As part of the Fire Kills campaign, Cumbria Fire & Rescue Service is determined to prevent as many deaths as possible and make sure people test their alarms when the clocks change on 30 March.

Tick, Tock, Test is easy to remember and intrinsically links clock change weekend to testing your smoke alarm.

Everyone soon notices when a clock stops ticking, but it’s not so easy to be sure that your smoke alarm is still in working order. Whether the battery is flat, has been used for a kid’s toy or the connection is loose, everyone should take the time to test. And, as over half the people who died in home fires last year were 65 years old or above, this is also a perfect opportunity to test alarms for older relatives who might find it hard to reach their alarms but are at greater risk.

By pushing the ‘test’ button on every smoke alarm, you could save the lives of your nearest and dearest – children, parents and friends alike.