Monday 7 April 2014

Another good Litter Hunt – despite the weather

The ninth Spring Litter Hunt since the Natland Parish Plan of 2004 proposed its re-introduction took place on Saturday 5 April 2014. Our luck over previous years with the weather finally ran out. It rained most of the day, steadily during the morning picking period although the temperature was bearable, rising from 9°c to 12°c.  The forecast for Sunday was worse so postponement was not an option.

Despite the weather, 23 heroic volunteers turned up (compared with 25, 18, 26 and 32 in 2013 to 2010 respectively) and all the targeted roads and footpaths were cleared except for the east side of A65 Burton Road from Brow Head to ASDA which is in Kendal parish anyway. About 30 bags and a bike were left for SLDC to collect. There appeared to be a bit less litter than last year, but that could be partly due to being held a week or two later than usual, when vegetation has grown denser. It was mainly the usual collection of bottles, drink cans and fast food containers. Chekov vodka is very popular this year, particularly around the seat on Helm Lane and the Dilly Bridge/Watercrook parking area.

Thanks go again to SLDC for providing equipment and taking the bags to tip, and to the public-spirited volunteers who were: John Chandler, John Covill, Gerald Cummins, Barbara and Stephen Hitchcock, Keith and Sarah Miller and Harry, Karen Oliver, Di Outhwaite, Alan and Jenny Paley, Rhian and David Peters, Adele Rennard, John Ritchie, Sarah Roberts, Judith Robinson, Roger Scott, Don Shore, Allan Towler, Marion Want and Guy Weller. Well done all of you!

David Peters
Chair of Natland Parish Council