Saturday, 31 May 2014

Church Magazine for June now available

Click here for the Pentecost edition of St. Mark's Church magazine. There are details of church activities including the Fete, and an account of everything going on in school including the building work and Philosophy Club.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Stay Safe

The National Neighbourhood and Home Watch Network have recently produced a new leaflet - Stay Safe, Your Guide to Crime Prevention and Safety - which is available as a free download from their website. It covers a variety of subjects from home and vehicle security to online and telephone safety, fraud and identity theft and fire and personal safety. It also contains a number of useful contact numbers. A really helpful document. It is available here.

John Perkins (CNWA, Administrator, Cumbria)

Age UK Lunch Club

You are invited to come along to St. Mark's Primary School on Tuesday 10th June at 1.15pm for lunch. Be waited on by the children, enjoy a delicious meal for only £2.50 and listen to a performance of Flanders and Swann songs. To book a place, please ring Ruth Taylor on 01539 728180 or 07787 201259 by 2nd June. This event is in partnership with St. Mark's Church and St Mark's School.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Agenda for Natland Parish Council Meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on the 27th May, during which a new Chairman will be elected. Click on this link AGENDA for details.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Christian Aid Collection and Coffee Morning - Result

 Your friendly neighbourhood collectors collected £1,754 from the generous householders of Natland and Oxenholme, and the Coffee Morning and plant sale raised £328. That's a grand total of £2,082.   So, many thanks to everyone who gave from this community to help people in communities like that of 7 year old Sara in northern Iraq. Her home and village had been flattened during Saddam Hussein's regime, but now with help from Christian Aid houses have been rebuilt, farming re started and soon there will be electricity in the power lines. It's a thriving and vibrant village again. Without your generosity this sort of thing couldn't happen. 

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Another busy year for village groups

Parish Council Chair David Peters presided over another quiet Annual Parish Meeting on Monday 12 May. Minutes of the previous year’s meeting and the annual report and accounts of the Parish Council were accepted by those present without demur. Presenting the annual report, David highlighted a handful of issues that he thought the parish might be facing in the near future – including questions about the boundary of the parish (in the face of new development just south of Natland Mill Beck Lane) and the future use of the Helm (now that grazing is no longer taking place) – as well as the challenge of implementing the new Parish Plan, which is now underway.

A number of village groups presented reports – the school, the village hall management committee, Neighbourhood Watch and the Women’s Institute did so in person and verbally, as did PC Martin Boake on behalf of our local policing team. Other groups provided written reports, packed with interest and achievements (and, in one case, photographs!) which can be read by clicking on the links below.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Monday Club Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the Monday Club will take place on Monday 19th May at 2pm in the Village Hall. It will be followed by a talk by Enid Holmes about 'Settling in France.'

Monday, 12 May 2014

‘Useful Parish Contacts’ updated

Following the publication of the new Parish Directory at the beginning of May, the Useful Parish Contacts list (reached by clicking on the tab at the top of this page or clicking here) has now been updated with the latest information about a range of services relevant to, and/or based in, Natland Parish. The list contains clickable links to relevant websites and email contacts where available, so should be a useful online resource for residents and other readers of this website.

We hope to keep this as up-to-date as possible from now on (rather than simply reviewing it once a year) and you can help us do so by letting us know when your information, or the information of a group that you are involved with, needs updating, by emailing the Editor. Thank you in advance for your help.

Natland Annual Parish Meeting tonight

If you’re on the electoral roll for Natland Parish (and you probably are if you’re reading this!) you are warmly invited to the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30pm tonight at the Village Hall.

You can read the meeting’s agenda here and you will have an opportunity to put your questions to the Parish Council, and also your local District Councillor and County Councillor (Brenda Gray) and a representative from the Rural Policing Team. Some of the organisations included in the new Parish Directory will also be there to file a short report on their year’s activities.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Christian Aid Week

The familiar red envelope will soon be popped through the door of most houses in Natland and Oxenholme, followed not long after by an optimistic collector. If you miss out on either the envelope or the collector, then there's another chance to give to this charity for the poor of the world by coming to a Coffee Morning on Saturday.

You are invited to a
in aid of Christian Aid on Saturday 17th May
in Natland Village Hall,
10am -12 noon.
There will be various stalls including Plants and Cakes, and a Raffle. Refreshments. Christian
Aid exhibition.  Free admission.

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Parish Council Minutes

The draft minutes of the Natland Parish Council meeting held on Monday 22 April are now available. Click here to read them.

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Age UK 'Young at Heart'

Join Age UK South Lakeland at 'Young at Heart' - a social group for older residents - on Monday 12th May at Natland Village Hall from 1.45-3.45pm. At this friendly group, make new friends and join in with a variety of activities from dominoes and curling to crafts, quizzes and scrabble. Cost £2.00 including refreshments.

Annual Parish Meeting next Monday

If you’re on the electoral roll for Natland Parish (and you probably are if you’re reading this!) you are warmly invited to the Annual Parish Meeting this coming Monday night (12 May) at the Village Hall at 7.30pm.

You should have had the annual report of the Parish Council for the year just past, including the accounts, delivered through your letter box by a parish councillor about a fortnight ago, and if you have any questions about what the Parish Council has been doing – or should be doing – this is a good time to make your voice heard.

It’s too late now to put a new motion to the meeting but you can read the meeting’s agenda here and you will have an opportunity to put your questions to the Parish Council, and also your local District Councillor and County Councillor (Brenda Gray) and a representative from the Rural Policing Team. Some of the organisations included in the new Parish Directory will also be there to file a short report on their year’s activities.

Weather Statistics for April in Natland

Temperature at 8 am
Minimum Temperature
Maximum Temperature
Fairly warm for April and , as usual for this month, low rainfall.    John Dobson

Church Magazine for May now available.

Click here to find out what is going on in Christian Aid Week this year, for latest news about Natland Gardens Open Day, for what is happening in School and for all the activities happening in Church. These include an account of the Parish Away Day, a request for 1st World War Memorabilia for a display later in the year, and invitations to Young People Year 7 and above to Parachute their Teddy from the Church Tower this Sunday, the 11th May, starting at 6.15. Details of all the services are on the last page.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Village Hall Happenings

There was the Annual Meeting of the Village Hall Committee on Monday, preceded by a meeting which was open to everyone. This was completed within half an hour, under the chairmanship of Ray Richardson. A new Vice-Chairman was elected - Paul Want, and a new treasurer - Marion Want, and Ray agreed to stay as chairman for another year. We said our last good-byes to Lynden Carter, with many thanks for her straightforward, prompt and accurate accounts every month. Sarah Roberts was elected as new bookings secretary and can be contacted on

The Committee took longer over its deliberations than usual, but eventually a new booking system was agreed upon. The Large Hall is now available at a standard rate of £11.00 per hour and the Small Hall for £6.80 per hour, with use of the kitchen included. Both halls can be booked together for £16.00. There are no significant increases for anybody, though the combined booking rate for both halls is cheaper. There are generous reductions for block bookings and day or evening long events, for juniors and for supporter groups.

The winners of the 200 Club draw were: 1st Prize: 21, Bill Caveney. 2nd Prize: 55, Martin Jayne. 3rd Prize: 59, Charles Usher. There are fewer than 200 in the Club at the moment, so if you would like to support the Village Hall with the possibility of a prize, then do contact Midge Fairhurst