Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Changes to 41/41A bus service.

Stagecoach will be making changes to their network of commercially provided town bus services in Kendal from 14 September.
Services 41/41A will all now run to/from Kendal Bus Station, and will no longer serve the stops on Stricklandgate. Passengers on Service 41/41A can also alight at the Shakespeare Hotel
The Commercial team at Stagecoach have said it would be possible for passengers to board the 41/41A at Shakespeare Hotel, for onwards travel on the 43 which the vehicles run on to.
Click here for timetable.
Mark Hodgkiss 
Scheduled Bus Services Officer | Integrated Transport 
Environment  and Community Services | Cumbria County Council 
Parkhouse Building | Kingmoor Business Park | CARLISLE  | CA6 4SJ
t : 01228 226433 
f : 01228 226755 
e :  mark.hodgkiss@cumbria.gov.uk 

Barbara Colley - colleygarth@btinternet.com - from Kadbus writes:

I'm writing now because Stagecoach are intending to make changes that could affect you and many others, by making greater use of the bus station and other stops instead of the Stricklandgate boarding and alighting points.  This is due to start in September and, although we should have had the opportunity to comment or be consulted, this has not happened and the application has already been accepted by the Traffic Commissioner on the basis that this is needed to avoid late running.
The only course of action left to us is to seek improvements to the walking route between Stricklandgate and the bus station i.e. through the Westmorland Shopping Centre.  If there is to be increased footfall, this could be an inducement to SDLDC and the private owners to make the mall both more attractive and accessible, which it currently is neither.  There should be scope for a partnership role for our group if we can find any potential source of community funding for the two aspects most requiring upgrading 1. enclosure of the open trafficked route on Level 3 and 2. an escalator between the mall and the bus station.
If you think this idea is worth exploring, will you please respond by writing to the press, councillors and any other relevant people you know.  Stagecoach say that their only alternative would have been to reduce the frequency of the services to hourly ones, but the underlying cause is we know the failure over years to overcome the growing traffic congestion in Kendal by implementing proposals like the new bridge or northern bypass.