Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Village Hall Matters

At the Committee meeting on Monday we were pleased to hear that four new courses are in place for this autumn.

Kettlercise® is a body transformation and toning class using lightweight kettlebells. It is a combination of 37 exercises which work the whole body and each exercise lasts for one minute. It starts on Wednesday 16th September at 6.30 to 7.30  and on Thursday 17th September, 6.15 to 7.15. £4 per class.

The Bootcamp Class starts on Wednesday 16th September between 5.30 and 6.30. It will vary week to week but will be a combination of cardio and weight exercises using interval training and other methods. A fun class to do with friends, the cost is £4 per class. Phone Helsbells on 7866659215 or email for Kettlercise® and the Bootcamp.

Baby-friendly baking is on Fridays 1.30-2.30 for 7 weeks on 11th, 18th, 25th September and 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd October for £42 in total or £7 a session.

A new Pilates class is starting on Tuesdays at 4pm with Danielle Hone, from the 15th September. They are £48 for 6 classes.

We were sad to hear of the demise of Natland Guides because of lack of a leader, and of the departure of the Photographic Club.

The 200 Club draw resulted in a first prize for no.77, Jan Evans, second prize for no. 12, Jeff Pimlott and third prize for no 6, Diana Langstaff.