There were 28 members and one guest who gathered to hear the speaker Andy Blackman and his wife give a talk, accompanied by video and photos of their work for an orphanage founded by an American charity, Open Hands, in Kenya. The children are rescued from the direst conditions imaginable and given a safe, loving home with an education. One of our members visited the orphanage village earlier in the year with the Blackmans. There is an ongoing support programme from the Kendal area mainly involving the educational needs of the children. A truly uplifting venture.
The competition Photo of Happy Children was won by Caroline Lawson with Janet Greenhalgh coming 2nd.
Marion Want had the winning raffle ticket.
Next month on the 21st we look forward to Laura Wyatt with her Grasmere Gingerbread talk.
Talks, walks, theatre trips and other activities are all on offer with friendship so do come and check us out.