Friday, 9 September 2016

Village Hall News

There are many activities already started or about to start.
Table Tennis - Seniors 7.30 on a Tuesday,  Juniors start on Mon 19th Sept 6-7pm. 
Badminton - starts Thurs 15th September 7.30-9.30  
Indoor bowls starts Mon 26 Sep and meets both Mon and Fri.
Hel's Bells fitness sessions:  Mon and Wed 6-7pm starting 19/21 Sept; Thurs 6-7 starting 10 Nov (or earlier on demand).
Pilates: Tuesdays, 4pm.
Brownies, Rainbows follow school terms, as does Diddi Dance.
U3A groups are already running, as is Craft Group on a Wednesday afternoon, 2 - 4pm.
WI, Monday Club, Age UK are running on their usual monthly schedule.
Click for contact details for all these groups.

The Craft Fair is all set for the 5th November and is being organised by Sue Ashton. Elspeth Jayne will continue to organise the exhibition.

The winners of the 200 Club this September are: no. 97: Mrs O'Connor; no. 8 Mr. Ratcliffe; no. 80 Mrs Dickinson. The new organiser of the 200 Club is Alison Blake. Do contact her if you would like to join.