Sunday, 9 October 2016

Church News

The Village Hall was full for the Harvest Supper at the start of the month. We started with a singing of familiar harvest hymns interspersed with an auction of produce. Overall £507 was raised for the Bishop of Carlisle's Harvest for the Hungry Appeal for projects in Argentina and Mali. Many thanks to those who came and responded so generously at the auction.
The Royal Family Picture Quiz winners were announced and they are: First Place: Rosemary Webster 36/36  £20; Second Place: Stan O'Connor 35/36 £10; Third Place: Audrey Gott: Oxenholme 34/36 £5.  (We've had a recount and this is the correct order of winners.) Thank you to everyone who bought a quiz. The full list of answers can be seen in the church on the notice board.