Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Summary of Natland Parish Council's December meeting

At the Natland Parish Council meeting, the Clerk read out the Police report; there had been four incidents reported in the Natland area, and from these one crime had been recorded.  
In response to a request from Project Manager Helen Moriarty to consider expressing support for the proposed Crowpark Bridge to Burton Road section of the Towpath Trail along the disused canal, councillors had no objection in principle, but could not support the scheme as a “Locally Important Project” (LIP) as the creation of a footway along C5071 Natland Road has already been identified as its priority.  The council will now consider whether applying itself for a LIPs grant from SLDC might expedite the creation of that footway.
The current North West Coast Connections consultation by National Grid was considered and there had been a recent Consultation Event in the village hall.  The council will request that the proposed extension to the substation be located on the same side of Sedgwick Road as the present installation in order to lessen the impact on amenity and views from Natland, Cracalt and Newlands and avoid loss of valuable agricultural land.   
In response to the planning application to build up to 26 houses on land adjacent to the north side of Natland Mill Beck Lane, councillors commented on the inadequacy of the highway access proposals and the unacceptable adverse effects on the character and amenity of the lane and its setting.  The council requests that the application be firmly refused.
Cllr David Peters had annotated the map of road gullies in the parish which will be delivered to CCC Highways.  Cllr Ellison reported that all footpaths in the parish are clear, and that he is gradually replacing the waymarkers.  Guy Weller was thanked for his continued work with the Speed Indicator Device in the parish.
The next meeting is on Monday January 23, 7.30 in the village hall.  This will be the precept meeting. 
 The full report of the December meeting can be seen by clicking on this link.