Friday, 21 April 2017

Report on the last Natland and Oxenholme W.I. Meeting

President Kirsten Cannon welcomed 35 members and 5 guests to the monthly meeting.

4 members had recently attended a lunch and a very entertaining talk at The Villa by Paul Laidlaw, the television antique expert.

President Kirsten expressed her thanks to all who had helped make the Fashion Show on 17 March such a success, particular thanks to the models and those providing refreshments and to Caroline from Kitty Brown at Carnforth.  She had received many positive comments about the event which had raised £661.

President Kirsten then welcomed our speaker Sue Allen who works for The Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere.  Sue gave an illustrated talk on Dorothy Wordsworth the beloved sister of the famous poet William.  Dorothy was an extraordinary woman who was an accomplished writer in her own right.  Her surviving notebooks including the ‘Grasmere Journal’ are on display in The Jerwood Centre at Grasmere.  Joan Ratcliffe gave the vote of thanks.

The competition for A favourite poem was won by Lauren Harkness with Joan Ratcliffe in second place who read out their poems to the members.

The monthly raffle was won by Marlene Williamson.

Date of next meeting is May 17th at 7.15p.m. in Natland Village Hall when the guest speaker Sarah Brown will speak on ‘St John’s Hospice’.