Monday, 8 May 2017

Christian Aid Week; house-to-house collection and Coffee Morning.

It's Christian Aid Week from the 14th to the 20th May, so you will soon be receiving a big red envelope through the door to be collected a day or two later by a volunteer for Christian Aid. Christian Aid started its existence in 1945 to help refugees, and this year finds it still needs to help them. Christian Aid helps to improve the lives of people who are living close to survival and also in emergency situations. Please give generously.                                 
You are also invited to a
Christian Aid COFFEE MORNING and SPRING PLANT SALE on Saturday 20th May
in Natland Village Hall, 10am -12 noon. 
There will be stalls with cakes and produce, a bring and buy, a raffle and a exhibition of the work of Christian Aid. Admission free.                                               Elspeth Jayne