Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Wish list for Natland

 At the last meeting of the Parish Council the following prioritised list of Natland's community aspirations was agreed, to be sent to South Lakeland Infrastructure Delivery Plan. 
1.    A footway/cycleway on Natland Road between Natland and Kendal
2.    A pedestrian crossing on the A65 somewhere such as the railway bridge near end of Helmside Road
3.    Funding for 20mph speed limit through village
4.    Potential traffic calming at village entrance on Natland Road
5.    New headwall, culvert and outfall at Helm Sink – to alleviate flooding of A65 Burton Road and assist with the delivery of site allocation, South of Fell Close
6.    A bus stop and shelter in the vicinity of site allocation – West of Sedgwick Road, may be funded through a S106 agreement
7.    Completion of Helm Lane resurfacing
8.    Upgrade inadequate village highway surface water drainage system
9.    Alleviate flooding at several points outside the village – (Sedgwick – Natland – Kendal Road)
10. Extension of existing footway along Oxenholme Lane from its junction with Long Meadow Lane to St Mark’s C of E Primary School
  Aspirations 7 to 10 are not as closely linked to new development as are 1 to 6.