Friday, 13 October 2017

Casual Vacancy on Natland Parish Council

A vacancy has arisen on Natland Parish Council due to the resignation of Councillor Joan Lind.  The period of public advertisement (during which electors could claim a poll) has now expired, therefore the Council is free to fill this casual vacancy by co-option.
The co-option would be until May 2018, when the next full election of the Council will be held.
Anyone who is interested in taking on this valuable public service should contact the Clerk or the Chair or any Councillor – contact details are on the notice board or by clicking on this link.  Or just come and observe the Council’s next meeting on 30 October 2017.
There’s plenty of information about what parish councils do on the websites of the National Association of Local Councils and the Cumbria Association of Local Councils – just google NALC or CALC Cumbria and explore.

David Peters - Chair of Natland Parish Council – 13 October 2017